Rabbi: Daniel Yolkut
President: Dr. Ya'aqov Abrams
Youth Director: Rabbi Dov Nimchinsky
Executive Director: Shmuel Angel
Click here to: Download PZ Purim Bulletin 5773
The Poale Zedeck Men's Club is collecting donations for Matanos L'evyonim:
Click Here for a Special Video Based PZ Purim Learning Page
featuring Shiurim by Rabbi Daniel Yolkut
Visit Judaism.com to order beautiful Shalach Manot Baskets to send to your friends and family.
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Eruv map: Download the Eruv map
- Congregation Poale Zedeck's Cemeteries Directions
- Visit the Jewish version of Craig's List: www.luach.com
6318 Phillips Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15217
Phone: 412-421-9786
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Membership: Poale Zedeck is always welcoming new members & families and offers a range of membership options. For more information, please call our office at the contacts listed above.
Poale Zedeck is a modern Orthodox synagogue serving Jews of all ages, background and religious orientations. Over 300 families are members of Poale Zedeck. On an ordinary Shabbat there are over 200 adults in the main sanctuary for services. Hospitality is available for Shabbat and holidays. The full-time spiritual leader is Rabbi Daniel Yolkut.
Poale Zedeck provide free childcare for infants and preschoolers every Shabbat morning. There is a Junior Congregation for school-age children. Poale Zedeck offers a Special Education Program Sunday School directed by Mr. Harold Goldwasser.
Poale Zedeck offers a full range of adult education courses for men and women on beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. Classes include Bible, Talmud, Practical Observance, Rabbinic Responsa, Jewish mysticism, Hebrew language and contemporary Jewish issues.
The Congregation also has affiliate organizations—an active Sisterhood and Men’s Club. Each affiliated organization sponsors educational activities geared to the needs of their membership. Lectures, picnics, debates, parties, Torah-talks are all part of the bonding process which help create the “Poale Zedeck Family”.